Monday, November 1, 2010

"...People Still Read but Now its Social"

The idea that reading on a screen undermines "deep...focused book reading" is probably true as this article assertains, but my arguement is honestly, how many people still book read at all? Maybe there is a chance that screen reading, such as Nooks and Kindles, actually bring more readers to the world. My vote would be that creating more readers of ANY kind is a good thing, that they might not be reading to the same intellectual level as book readers is a non-issue. These new readers are out there purchasing fiction, staying informed, and keeping the industry alive is more important. More people are becoming readers and isn't that more important than the quality and quantity of what they are reading? The complaint is that these readers are "less focused but more connected" and implies that are missing out somehow from not turning a page. Maybe the types of material they enjoy don't require focus, maybe these electronic readers are making reading fun again for people who felt they weren't readers, is it bad if electronic readers encourage reading to just become entertainment?

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